Create with Love
"It is through our shared dreaming that we birth Divine consciousness into being."
~ Jessica Lang
What is your Heart-Vision?
We have forgotten how to dream together.
Let us remember that we are here with a shared purpose of visioning, and of creating together - and it is through our shared dreaming that we birth Divine consciousness into being.
The energy upon the planet is a Divine invitation to stand together in a unified field, aligned in harmonic resonance of heart-consciousness.
To heed this call, to unite in this shared resonance - with the pure intention of future visioning for the highest good of our Earth mother, and all of her children - is to amplify the energy of love, creating a sacred space of Divine alignment. This unity creates fertile ground, alchemizing the elements to bear new life through each cycle of creation.
If you feel the call to dream together, I welcome the opportunity to listen, and to flow with the Divine guidance received for how we may unite to be of service to the Collective.
Potential collaborations to harmonize, inspire, and empower a community or group may include:
Podcasts & speaking engagements
Workshops & courses
Art installations
Sacred arts harmonizing body, heart, mind & soul
Please use the form below to begin this sacred conversation.