harmonize with love

Presence with your Heart.​​
With gentle, loving compassion, bring your awareness to the feelings you embody.
Do you feel any heaviness?
If you are carrying any physically draining emotions, such as fear, guilt, anxiety, worry, or despair; if your mind is overwhelmed by self-deprecating thoughts; if your relationships feel stressed by unhealthy behavioral patterns that do not align with your heart, peace is likely elusive.
Do you believe you are empowered to release these dense energies?
What if you imagine your life as an epic story, and this moment - a vignette within the epic - is here not to define you, but to refine you?
What if you choose to believe that you have the agency to consciously co-create this narrative? What if you choose to approach this moment as a teacher?
What if you choose to create the space to presence with this moment with the perspective that, with deep listening and trust, there is wisdom to glean from this teacher?
What if you choose to believe that you will not only glean this wisdom, but also this wisdom will bring you into greater alignment with the Light of your heart, and your Highest Destiny?
Shamanic Energy Medicine
Providence, Rhode Island, or remote via Zoom
50 minutes, $111
Scheduled upon request, Monday through Friday
The center column of the human biofield is home to seven primary energetic vortices, called chakras or “wheels of light”; comprised of an endocrine gland and a nerve plexus bundle that communicate through chemical and electrical impulses, each chakra directly informs the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems. Achieving balance and harmony within each chakra supports a unified biofield, which is a cornerstone for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.
Creating harmony within allows for a free-flowing river of luminous Life Force Energy to sing through your body, mind, and spirit – a bestowal of nourishment, vitality and peace. Life Force Energy – also known as Ti, Chi, Qi, or Prana – cleanses, purifies and fuels each chakra. Through the conscious release of energetic densities, and the reception of Life Force Energy, balance is restored in the biofield, and the body, mind, and Spirit may align with, and melodiously contribute to, the symphony of Creation.
Shamanic Energy Medicine is an alignment with one’s innate wholeness, and true essence – LOVE. Each individual session includes personal consultation, breathwork, energy medicine, crystals, sound healing, and integration.
Whether you choose to book an individual session at my healing sanctuary in Providence, Rhode Island, or remotely via Zoom, I am here to guide, empower, and support you on your wild and wonderful journey.
To schedule your Shamanic Energy Medicine session, please visit my booking site.

“Each time you align with Love, you align with Truth.
As you embrace Truth, as you embody your Divine essence,
the more you allow the river of Creation
to flow forward carrying your signature,
a sweet and melodious contribution to the symphony of Creation.”
- Jessica Lang